Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Murphy's Law

I'm sure everyone is familiar with Murphy's Law.  And I am the epitome of it.  Let me explain:

I have been doing great, and I am (still) super-psyched about any upcoming workouts.  But as you have read from my past posts (which don't include 2 carpal tunnel surgeries at a young age, 9 broken fingers, stiches in my head twice.....I could continue...), I am accident prone.  There is no doubt about it. 

Ouch.  At least I'm trained in first aid.
Last night, my dishwasher taught me a lesson.  Use it, instead of doing dishes the old fashioned way.  I, of course, had a glass shatter mid-wash, which sliced me open.  You're welcome for the yummy pic.  It's a pretty deep cut in 3 different places, all circling my thumb. 

Today, I decided Body Pump would not be the best decision.  My hand was on fire, and ached most of the day.  In the exact place a bar would be held to lift weights for an hour.  I did however, get a "work-out" in. 

Roll Tide!!!
As I said yesterday, my mom's birthday was today.  We went to the Zoo (her favorite thing to do, especially when we manage to get all four of us together!), and then to dinner.  We had a wonderful day!  The zoo consisted of a little over a mile, which was up and down hills, and up and down stairs.  Though it was walking, it was still movement.  Justin added on 3 sets of 15 squats, 3 sets of 15 calf raises, and 2 1:00 minute planks.  Anything that would keep me off of my hand, and keep it relatively "not sweaty". 

My body is feeling great, and I'm glad a small set-back did not deter me, just changed my plans.  Luckily, I'm spontaneous.  And the energy I have is great!  (Also, if you didn't notice by the caption, I'm an Alabama fan:))

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