Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ok, re-do

This time, it's for real!

Not too long after starting my workouts, my ankle began to act up like crazy.  And so did work.

So I took a break.

However, I kicked it into high gear with healthy eating, and finally, this past week, have began working out again, so let me catch you up, so I can have regular posts again (and yes, get used to commas, I'm in love with them!)

For the past 6 weeks or so, I have been eating very well.  I renewed my love of raw veggies, cottage cheese, and a ton of water. I thank my boyfriend for the water.  He got me those reusable tumblers for Christmas, and I refill them constantly at work.  I was a Diet Coke addict before, and now, I may have one a day.  Many days, I do not have any.

After a few weeks of the new healthy eating, and tracking my calories, I lost some weight.  This made me realize what I could be doing, with training, if I could bring more exercise back in.  So, two weeks ago, we started adding in strength combos.  We (Justin and I) were still a little worried about my ankle, so I didn't add running until this week.  And this week, we kicked it into high gear (for me, a couch potato recently)!  I feel great!  Today is a rest day, as my muscles are a little fatigued and sore, so while I foam roll (thanks again, Justin!) and prepare a soak, I'll recap my week:

  • Sunday:  3 rounds of ten squats, burpees, sit-ups, and push-ups.  For time:  6:28.02
  • Monday:  rest day
  • Tuesday:  4 sets of 10 pushups, 50 sit-ups, 4 sets of 15 squats, and 4 sets of mountain climbers.  For time:  My phone locked up at 4:28, but I think it was around 7-8 minutes comparing to Sunday.
  • Wednesday:  Was working with bands-- 3 sets each of:  bench presses, calf raises, squats, shoulder presses, and bicep curls
  • Thursday:  Body Pump class.  *Note:  I feel guilty that I have worked at a YMCA with free access to all of these classes that I have never taken advantage of, but people pay good money for.  I fell in love with the class!  I was a sweaty pool of jelly afterwards; it was definitely intense.  I plan to add it on Tuesdays at Thursdays!
  • Friday:  I did 2.6 miles on the treadmill.  .25 mile of walking warm-up, 2 miles at 12 min pace, and .35 mile walking cool down.
And that brings us to today's rest day.  My muscles are feeling it, but not in such a way that I am discouraged.  It's a great feeling, that I have definitely missed for a long while.  I think a 1 mile run is up for tomorrow!  I'll check in and tell you how I feel, for now, I'm going to go soak my muscles!