Thursday, April 19, 2012

I haven't forgotten!

I've just been without internet!  My horrid internet company is extremely unreliable, so I have spotty internet at my home.  And for the past week, the internet at work has been down too.  So I have a lot to catch up on!

I'm still doing great with my routine.  Let's go from Easter...those miles in the park.  That is what we decided on.  We only did a little over 2 miles, but it did include a lot of hills and stairs.  With approximately 8 pounds of Easter ham in my belly, and the waning sun, we called it at the end of our trail.  It was great to get a workout in, and didn't make me feel bad about the dozen deviled eggs I probably consumed.  It was wonderful to spend time with my family and Justin;  there was plenty of good food to be had, and plenty of laughter. 

Mondays are my rest days, so I did just that.  And spent a wonderful day with Justin.  And ate fro yo.  And discovered The Walking Dead.  We watched the entire first season on Netflix over our four day vacation, and by that, I mean in 2 days.

Tuesday I laced up for Body Pump.  I also drug Justin right along :)  He agreed it was intense.  800 reps in an hour.  We had a good time though, and finished the class with lunch in the park...before rushing back to the apartment to finish The Walking Dead!  We managed to get out long enough that day for a delicious dinner of crab legs, stuffed flounder, and steak. 

Wednesday was supposed to be a rest day, but I got bored and hit the treadmill.  2.25 miles later, I got bored again and hopped off.  Wow, 2 miles because I was bored.  Maybe it's because I'm getting stronger. Maybe it's because I wanted to try out my new running shoes!

 Thursday was Body Pump again, upping the weights finally on the squats and back tracks.  Soon, I'll go for chest or triceps, but let's not get too crazy here.

And finally, FRIDAY!  I HIT MY 3 MILE BARRIER!  I didn't mean too, and I know three miles is still small in comparison.  But for me, it's been a couple of years since I've ran 3 miles...and didn't hurt at the end at all.  I've also been pumping up the treadmill during commercials to keep things interesting. 

For this past week, it's been nothing fun or exciting, although I did get a 10 minute mile on Sunday.  So...bullet points...

  • Sunday:  1.5 miles (10 min pace for the first; slower for the last half)
  • Tuesday/Thursday:  BP
  • Wednesday:  2 miles (20:54; I'm getting a little faster)
  • Saturday/Monday were rest days.
There, all caught up.  And hopefully will have better internet to keep up.  I've been doing great with my food choices, although good food is so expensive!  I'm in a routine.  I love it.  I'm feeling better every day, and I'm trying to celebrate the small victories (like doing big girl pushups during Body Pump today, though they sucked, form-wise, so I think I'll stick to little girl ones for a little longer). 

I can do this.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Good (sweaty) Friday!

I'm still doing what I say I will!

Yesterday was Body Pump.  I forgot there was a new launch last Saturday, so I was a second behind in most of the new moves.  This new launch added some different lunges, and ditched tricep dips.  And the new shoulder moves were rough.  But I finished it, all 800 reps!  And I felt...great, but not so great. 

There are some cardio lunge-hop things (I think that's the technical term), that killed my quads.  Afterwards, I was actually in pain.  I was afraid I had pulled something, so I didn't feel comfortable doing my slow, stretchy swim.  Instead, I drank chocolate milk.  And had another great lunch in the park:  grilled chicken, cottage cheese, a lovely salad, and a roll.  Fruit for dessert.

Today, my run was up.  I was worried yesterday about my quads, but I woke up okay.  Sure, I felt my legs.  They were tight and a little sore, but nothing was painful.  It's a unique experience to actually "feel" every movement.  We had major computer issues at work today, and couldn't access email or the internet.  So, I took that as my cue.

Proof, you know.
I logged a total of 3 miles on the treadmill, while watching "What Not To Wear".  I haven't watched it for years, and I caught an entertaining episode.  I was a mile and half in before I accidently looked down at my screen.  Running during t.v. shows will do wonders!  I ran 2.25 miles at comfortable and uncomfortable paces (I'm trying to focus on practicing distance right now, not how fast I am), with a .25 mile walking warm up and a .50 mile walking cool down. 

The run was nice.  I didn't struggle, I just got bored.  That's the big problem (I hear) with treadmill running.  At the end, I felt great.  I had my usual book and lunch in the park, and finished work. 

Never today, even now, have I hurt or felt pain.  There is still some soreness, and some tightness, but I know it is normal, and I actually enjoy it. 

Tomorrow is a rest day, and an Easter egg hunt at work.  They want me to be the bunny; I'm crossing my fingers that someone else shows up.  I'll do a short run on Easter Sunday.  Or maybe walk several miles.  I'm going home to spend time with my wonderful family, and I happen to live in a teeny-tiny town that has a great state park.  I'm debating between a 1 mile run, or several miles walking through the park.  Justin will be with me, and a few hikes together might be nice.  Let's see!  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rest day

Today was a rest day, so there isn't a lot to report.

After adding several extra planks to yesterday's work-out and 100 crunches, I feel good.  I was doing planks during my guilty pleasure of Dance Moms, and they were flying by, so I decided to do 5 one minute planks.  And I tossed in 100 crunches for good measure. 

I still feel great today, not sore, achy, or tired at all!  I guess my body is getting used to this again.  Since I have little to report on the work out front, I thought I'd share my food for today.

For breakfast, I had a bagel with 2 tsps of cream cheese (I'm in love with the "normal" size whole grain bagels I bought last time, I'll have to get the name).  I also swung through McDonalds for a Fruit and Walnut salad.  I know it's not the best, but I had a meeting downtown, and was in a hurry!

Speaking of that meeting, it also meant I had 1) no time to pack lunch and 2) no where to store it for several hours.  So I needed to get lunch afterwards.  I decided on Kroger's deli, where I found a "Kid's Pack".  It had a turkey sub on whole grain bread, an apple, a string cheese, and an apple juice all for $2.99.  I thought that was a great deal!  I added some Goldfish crackers and an 8 oz. bean soup.  I saved the cheese for dinner, and threw the apple juice away (100 calories in a 6 oz box, that's horendous amounts of sugar!). 

My little creek view.  It's a nice escape in the middle of the day!
I've gotten accustomed to eating lunch in a near-by park by the creek.  It allows me to still pack my good food, and step away from work.  I had been eating at my desk, now I get a recharge in the middle of the day. 
I was disappointed in my lunch.  I am used to a load of raw veggies and a very balanced meal.  While this was still pretty balanced, it left me starving by 5 p.m.  I still had to work, so I had my string cheese and a few Goldfish as a snack.  I'm ready to pack my lunch tomorrow -- they fill me up and keep me full! 

All in all, it wasn't a bad day.  I bailed on Wendy's and Subway, and still stuck to my guns.  I'm getting good at this! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Just for my own clarification, as I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who reads this.  Yes, the Disney World Marathon is still my goal.  I need to run it.  My end goal is not weight loss or muscle definition.  Those are just the perks that come from seeing a marathon in your future.  I will run the Walt Disney Marathon 2013.

That will be me!  Courtesy of ESPN/Disney.
I just need to get into the swing of things, and become health/fit conscious again, before I focus on my ultimate goal.  It's not "gung-ho" this time, remember?  The end result is still there, in the corner of my mind.  But first, I need to make myself healthy, so I can log some long workouts! 

Murphy's Law

I'm sure everyone is familiar with Murphy's Law.  And I am the epitome of it.  Let me explain:

I have been doing great, and I am (still) super-psyched about any upcoming workouts.  But as you have read from my past posts (which don't include 2 carpal tunnel surgeries at a young age, 9 broken fingers, stiches in my head twice.....I could continue...), I am accident prone.  There is no doubt about it. 

Ouch.  At least I'm trained in first aid.
Last night, my dishwasher taught me a lesson.  Use it, instead of doing dishes the old fashioned way.  I, of course, had a glass shatter mid-wash, which sliced me open.  You're welcome for the yummy pic.  It's a pretty deep cut in 3 different places, all circling my thumb. 

Today, I decided Body Pump would not be the best decision.  My hand was on fire, and ached most of the day.  In the exact place a bar would be held to lift weights for an hour.  I did however, get a "work-out" in. 

Roll Tide!!!
As I said yesterday, my mom's birthday was today.  We went to the Zoo (her favorite thing to do, especially when we manage to get all four of us together!), and then to dinner.  We had a wonderful day!  The zoo consisted of a little over a mile, which was up and down hills, and up and down stairs.  Though it was walking, it was still movement.  Justin added on 3 sets of 15 squats, 3 sets of 15 calf raises, and 2 1:00 minute planks.  Anything that would keep me off of my hand, and keep it relatively "not sweaty". 

My body is feeling great, and I'm glad a small set-back did not deter me, just changed my plans.  Luckily, I'm spontaneous.  And the energy I have is great!  (Also, if you didn't notice by the caption, I'm an Alabama fan:))

Monday, April 2, 2012

I love sore muscles!

Sunday was a great day!  I did get my workout in, even if it was small. 

I had to teach a lifeguarding class, so, out of the ordinary, I decided to join them for their swim, and then stay in the water treading while they practiced skills.  Normally, I teach from the deck, only getting in if they are having difficulty with a particular save.  But today, I went ahead a swam some laps, treaded with them, and stayed in during the class.  It felt good to be back in the water again.

As soon as my class was over, I debated on that run.  I was still sore, and I had just put my muscles through a 'semi-workout'.  I'm having difficulty telling "sore, and you need to rest" from "sore because your legs are tight, and you need to run".  I've never been a runner, so I don't know what this feeling is.  I have yet to distinguish between my body telling me to cool it, and my body telling me to stretch out.  I decided I would attempt a 1 mile run, and hope I wasn't hurting tomorrow.  To my surprise, the run went great, and I wanted to do more.  But I shut my brain off (I tend to be an over-achiever when I'm on a kick), and slowed my pace down for a cool down just over a mile.  I know this seems slight, but when just getting back into the swing of things, I don't want to hurt to where I'm discouraged or injured.  I want to hurt to where I remember why I'm doing this! 

And today, I thankfully woke up to no muscle tenderness!  My legs are still a little tight (maybe I'm learning the difference:)), but nothing is painful!  Today was a rest day, and I felt so good, I wanted to throw in a run or a swim, but I know not to push too far and derail myself.  So I relaxed today.  And drank a ton of water.  And finally remembered breakfast...sitting on the couch, not on the go.  And had another amazing lunch in the park. 

Checks and balances, that's what I'm working on.  Doing this the right way, not the "gung-ho" way.  That way has not served me well in the past!  Tomorrow is my mom's birthday, so I plan on hitting up Body Pump before my family drives down to meet me for the zoo and dinner. 

For the time being, we think 3 rest days are the best for me.  However, after Body Pump on Thursdays, I should do a "slow, strechy swim".  That's my equivalent of water yoga :).  It also helps get my body some different cross training other than running and lifting. 

I'm already proud of myself for the small victories of sucking it up and doing my workout, instead of making excuses.  I gave up excuses for Lent.  And it seems to be working, I'm getting in that habit.  I'm realizing how much better I feel after a workout, rather than making an excuse why I couldn't.  They may be small workouts and small victories right now, but it just takes time and those little changes!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ok, re-do

This time, it's for real!

Not too long after starting my workouts, my ankle began to act up like crazy.  And so did work.

So I took a break.

However, I kicked it into high gear with healthy eating, and finally, this past week, have began working out again, so let me catch you up, so I can have regular posts again (and yes, get used to commas, I'm in love with them!)

For the past 6 weeks or so, I have been eating very well.  I renewed my love of raw veggies, cottage cheese, and a ton of water. I thank my boyfriend for the water.  He got me those reusable tumblers for Christmas, and I refill them constantly at work.  I was a Diet Coke addict before, and now, I may have one a day.  Many days, I do not have any.

After a few weeks of the new healthy eating, and tracking my calories, I lost some weight.  This made me realize what I could be doing, with training, if I could bring more exercise back in.  So, two weeks ago, we started adding in strength combos.  We (Justin and I) were still a little worried about my ankle, so I didn't add running until this week.  And this week, we kicked it into high gear (for me, a couch potato recently)!  I feel great!  Today is a rest day, as my muscles are a little fatigued and sore, so while I foam roll (thanks again, Justin!) and prepare a soak, I'll recap my week:

  • Sunday:  3 rounds of ten squats, burpees, sit-ups, and push-ups.  For time:  6:28.02
  • Monday:  rest day
  • Tuesday:  4 sets of 10 pushups, 50 sit-ups, 4 sets of 15 squats, and 4 sets of mountain climbers.  For time:  My phone locked up at 4:28, but I think it was around 7-8 minutes comparing to Sunday.
  • Wednesday:  Was working with bands-- 3 sets each of:  bench presses, calf raises, squats, shoulder presses, and bicep curls
  • Thursday:  Body Pump class.  *Note:  I feel guilty that I have worked at a YMCA with free access to all of these classes that I have never taken advantage of, but people pay good money for.  I fell in love with the class!  I was a sweaty pool of jelly afterwards; it was definitely intense.  I plan to add it on Tuesdays at Thursdays!
  • Friday:  I did 2.6 miles on the treadmill.  .25 mile of walking warm-up, 2 miles at 12 min pace, and .35 mile walking cool down.
And that brings us to today's rest day.  My muscles are feeling it, but not in such a way that I am discouraged.  It's a great feeling, that I have definitely missed for a long while.  I think a 1 mile run is up for tomorrow!  I'll check in and tell you how I feel, for now, I'm going to go soak my muscles!